The Angry Birds led to his downfall
John had a difficult dream to fulfill. He aspired to live in a virtual world as in "Matrix". Their
hope was that one day the human being could perform in an intangible
reality, leaving his material body resting somewhere safe while your
avatar paced world of silicon and energy that would lead him to the ends
of existence.
who was also a systems engineer, said (and rightly so) that in the not
too distant future, video games would be real scenarios, as a human
being with a helmet, goggles or other devices connected to your brain
cells, and even wireless devices, could put aside everything around you
and expand into the coveted "world matrix", where they would have
unimaginable adventures.
in reality these technologies are already being developed, he could be
believed what he said, but also "normal" people realized that for their
hobbies, Juan was ceasing to be part of the real world to escape forward
to your desired virtual world without realizing that all I could get
was, or go crazy or die, in which case would not go to the virtual
world, but the world of madness or the other world.
The only thing missing was a plug
His wife had left him, because he not stalled that was so fond of social networks. Since neither he spoke nor made love, because he was only interested in the virtual. She
even got to hit the horns with one of his friends in his own room,
while he was immersed in his world in front of your computer. He did not even notice.
But lately, he had reached the end. Another day, he wet his pants not rise or fail to pass a "world" of a complicated game. Not eating well, not bathing, not shaved, not sleeping well and had almost no contact with the outside.
retired from his work on transnational successful video game company
where he worked, and to start his own business, but not actually carried
out the project and already was running out of silver. Banking transactions online and made them barely moved for drinking water. It was crazy. A
Juan the only thing missing was a plug, and who were his friends sent
him to hell and told him to put it where the sun did not give him.
One day, John was succeeded dead. He is sitting in his favorite chair in his living room located in the urbanization El Trigal of Valencia. When officers for special cases Cicpc Carlos Salinas and Mario Pinto arrived at the site, they marveled. Despite
the gloomy, dark and damp room (and there was a body there), they
thought they were entering the bridge of the starship Enterprise or the
Millennium Falcon himself.
The lights flickered on every wall. There
were laptops that were running programs and God knows what other
computers that emit beeps, whistles and even recurring words spoken by
C3PO and R2D2 himself of Star Wars. There was a lot of information to be analyzed by staff of cybercrime. If there was some interest in criminology those devices, they would get.
The agents were there because it was routine death investigation, after the cleaning lady got the body of his crackpot boss. The
body had no shots, no stab wounds, no signs of strangulation or
anything to indicate that he had been killed, but the night before, a
neighbor reported seeing a man leaving the house and took one of the
cars of Juan .
A delicious deadly game
The strange thing was that the body showed no signs of external violence. Carlos Salinas agents and Mario Pinto focused on the giant plasma screen in front of the chair where the body of John was. Apparently, John spent many hours of the last day of his life playing Angry Birds Plus. The little game of angry birds and pigs who steal their eggs.
This little game was the free version of Angry Birds on Google. An online multiplayer option and John had been constantly beating his challenger; one "Darth Vader". Computer
specialists and they told Carlos Mario Angry Birds was a successful
game of the Finnish company Rovio, with one billion downloads in 2012
and like all games of its kind, was a very addictive phenomenon.
agents agreed that it was not strange that John, being as it was, would
have died without eating or drinking, just playing Angry Birds, but the
strange thing was that the "Darth Vader" must know something. After
all he was playing with John and face to face with the video components
of their expensive and sophisticated computer equipment could be seen.
collecting the evidence and move the body to the Forensic Pathology
Department, John, the pathologist, he determined that blood and gastric
fluids John were "a bomb" cheap whiskey and rat poison. It
must have convulsed and endure great pain before dying, but even so,
their virtual addiction prevented him from getting up and go for medical
help. Basically he died playing.
to the coroner, the subject was taken (or gave to take) a juice of
citrus fruits high in rat poison rodenticide anticoagulant compound,
sodium borate, strychnine, bromelatina, zinc phosphide compound 1.080.
This powerful poison was cast in several pitchers of juice were around Juan. As he did not like or get up to eat, someone put these jars available to assassinate him in this brutal manner. The prime suspect was the lady who cleaned the house.
Juan lasted at least an entire day to die. He suffered nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, diarrhea, dehydration and other imbalances. At
first I was forced to suspend their games and go to the bathroom, but
then when your central nervous system was affected with dizziness and
tremors, he thought maybe they were the effects of virtual worlds. Then, as neither could move from his chair. He relaxed sphincters, blood was made water and died of suffocation and heart failure. It was a horrific death.
someone come in time could have saved him taking him to the doctor, but
the cleaning lady said she found the body on Sunday, because he did not
like to upset weekdays.
This cleaning lady soon ceased to be suspicious, because Carlos and Mario got huge amounts of traces pointing to the murderer. Perhaps he was a genius in the virtual world as John, but it was not very smart to hide evidence of a murder.

hair and even video images from the security cameras of the house
betrayed the clumsy murderer, who proved himself "Darth Vader". This guy was a virtual enemy of John. He had competed with him hundreds of online games and John always won. Fed up with these humiliating defeats, "Vader" decided to physically eliminate their hated opponent.
your address and your tastes through social networks in which
coincided, "Vader" took some pitchers "delicious juice" two days before
they compete enfrascaran playing Angry Birds. When "Vader"
saw his webcam that John was writhing in pain and eventually died
between pestilential fluids, he decided to go home that night to see
"live". Then he stole one of the vans Juan and left. His
logic rookie murderer told him that the police would think that John
had died a natural death, but if not, would notice the absence of the
truck and be Awarded with rat poison killing a thief.
reasoning was superidiota, but had to take into account that although
"Vader" was a computer genius, also was like Juan unbalanced that had
long had detached from the world around him to "move" their virtual
This murderer was arrested at his home days later. He went to a hellish world of jail and John, an intangible world beyond. Case solved.
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