DATE OF BIRTH: In 1964 the first, and in 1970 the second
dead parents, both are currently living
Nicknames: The ideal partner; Barbie and Ken murderers
DEATH TOLL: It is estimated that well over 3 without counting the people who broke
JUDICIAL POSITIONS: For the first several crimes of murder, sexual abuse and sodomy. . For the second offense of manslaughter
SENTENCE: For the first life sentence. For the second 12 years in prison, but was freed later.
For if friends, today we bring a new story with a profile murderer, or murderers, we had not yet touched: the couple husband and wife. Who I could say all of us, that seeing these two amply attractive and angelic face young, they could hide two creepy monsters and take back. Well , yes, certainly today we have a story as "hot".
We have decided to include them both in the profile of the murderer number 42, since both acted as if the same person is involved. If you are interested in this type of profile murderers in series, you can take a look at the section "murderers team" by clicking here . We started ... In 1990, an attractive young blonde with Canadian blue eyes, she met a boy, also Canadian, tall, handsome, and with blue eyes, which without hesitation, wanted to be his partner. For it off everything mentioned, this man had a lot of money, so they fit perfectly into what she wanted: a handsome man with money, young, and an animal in bed. Undoubtedly, Paul Bernardo was the dream of Karla, and many girls spread around the world, or not ?, do you think ?. Both married in Ontario , Canada, and so far we could safely say that both were the couple ideal, and were two normal guys with nothing to hide, and they had everything to be happy ... But Paul had made a series of proposals to Karla, long before both were married, and such propositions could qualify quietly as "indecent proposals" , or something much worse ...
Paul Bernardo unlike Karla, in his heart was not so happy with the situation with his new wife, and especially on sexual matters very marked, as was the virginity of his wife when it came to marriage. Actually Karla Homolka was not a virgin when she met Paul, and this he was very angry, as a good Catholic who considered ... Karla the same time, I wanted to meet and somehow compensate for this problem of her husband with her lack of virginity, and decided to put on a plate to his younger sister , named Tammy Homolka , who is if it was more virgin Mary, and obviously had no consent to Paul, his new brother- in desvirgara. Karla who was an employee in a veterinary center , he had access to numerous sedatives that were used for operations to animals, and these sedatives could use with his sister, thus sleep it off , and allow Paul, her husband, fulfill the dream of making lose virginity to a Homolka, although this was not his wife ... but not everything seemed so easy, especially when choosing the sedative to use, because we must remember that the clinic where he worked, was for animals, not for humans. Finally it was decided to use his little sister, the sedative called halothane , which serves basically sleeping animals by inhalation.
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Tammy Homolka |
Paul began to introduce such sedative substance in the drinks was
serving him again and again to the sister of his wife, so Tammy was
slowly losing consciousness, until he was struck down on the couch in
the house Homolka family. Notably, all this, in the house
were not only Paul, Karla, and Tammy, if they had no other family more,
which late in the morning, went to sleep overcome by sleep ...
This was the moment when Paul and Karla, they grabbed Tammy to proceed with your macabre and "harmless" plan ...
Paul began savagely raping Tammy while she slept , while the videotaped. Later, after a few minutes, Paul just under forcing Karla to homosexual relations with his sister , so the thing and became greater.
However in this bacchanal absolutely disgusting, something started to go very wrong ...
Tammy woke up and began vomiting semiconscious compulsively, as
previously falling in this state, he had eaten much, so the sedative for
animals, did not sit well.
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actual autopsy photo of Tammy Homolka |
The newly married couple, have devised a plan for anyone to know your
secret, and decided to make everyone believe that Tammy had been drunk
and therefore had died of a coma.
For his part, Paul Bernardo seemed little concerned with the death of
her sister, if not the opposite, I was really angry with Karla for what
happened, and not ejaculating inside the vagina Tammy.
This had previously, was all that concerned Paul, not that the girl had
died with only 15 years of age, as if that were not enough what happened
over the girl was a simple girl. A worthy barbarity two undesirable barbarians with a nice mask.
The next photo you are going to see, was made just a few hours earlier by Tammy own, and she can see the "happy and perfect match" with a picture of the girl at the bottom of the image.
Really frightening photography ...
Really frightening photography ...
When the situation calmed down, and the lack of complaint by the
Canadian authorities for the murder of Tammy, both started from scratch,
and looked for another victim, since Karla wanted to meet her husband with a virgin, out and out and at any price ...
The choice of unknown identity, was another 15 year old girl with a very similar to Tammy aspect. Karla told her husband she was going to get the best wedding present he could ever dream of , and teen discussed above, was chosen as a gift for our hero today on the web ...
They made very similar to that of Tammy ritual, but this time Karla
tried to make sure he would not kill the girl, as did his sister,
introducing the sedative for animals. It used other substance, which was not as potent to humans, after seeking information from hospitals etc.
To all this it must be said that Karla knew this girl in the
neighborhood, was not randomly selected, but it already knew who had to
deceive, to take her home, get drunk and drugged her, so that later her
husband, could fulfill his dream of deflower a young minor, and finish
the job in full.
Unfortunately the pig got his way, and did not have to desvirgarla through the vagina , but it decided to brutally penetrate the anus . All this was again videotaped, in this case by Karla Homolka . She also participated in the rape, abusing the child as that slut in heat.
Uglier still is the story, as Karla took the girl felt for her genuine
admiration, especially to its beauty, and this admiration used to
deceive and take it to the house, where later this abhorrent violation
would be executed.
The next morning woke minor without having heard anything at all,
although he got up with severe stomach pains, and obviously pain in the
anus. But the girl did not suspect anything at first, and went back with her parents to get on with life.
Once already achieved its purpose, apparently Paul really liked performing these abominable acts, and decided to continue their private hunt . In addition it can be said that as a pederast pro was his wife already was getting older, and as they did not put him, so he began to lose interest in it, which now only used to commit other violations, and subsequent murders.
Before reaching the summer of 1991, another girl of only 14 years old , was the new chosen by Paul to "pass through the stone" . Leslie Mahaffy was unfortunate to encounter the couple, which Paul kidnapped, brutally raped, and decided to kill her for her not to report him. It dismembered his body and threw it into a Canadian river.
As you can see, the modus operandi and had totally changed and no longer elected to a known girl, but it and chose at random, and already included murder your approach.
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Leslie Mahaffy |
An absolutely atrocious death ...
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Kristen French |
It is not really the origin of evil in this troubled known, because unlike many other psicokillers-rapists, he did not a bad childhood and adolescence, rather the opposite, was completely happy, high school girls admired for her beauty, was a good student, and also just outside the school, he began working as an accounting manager. So it was a very lucky guy, despite his youth.
Nobody could have reached ever imagine that hide in a real vicious monster.
Meanwhile Karla Homolka , family ancestry of the Czech Republic , neither had an unhappy childhood, being a completely normal young, living within a normal family. He
only had a small stain on her youth, when she was fired from a
veterinary center in which he was in practice, as responsible for the place, suspected that she had stolen a number of drugs. Otherwise, it was a completely normal girl, without sexual abuse toward her, both psychological and physical ill - treatment, etc etc ...
Neither therefore met the typical profile of serial murderer.
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Karla Homolka |
In the same year took place the corresponding trial , and the same could screenings of the gruesome acts that both had done with the 3 fatalities. These video were during the trial by way of irrefutable evidence proving the crimes committed, but never saw the light, for fear of judges to the media advertize these images, with the corresponding moral damage they had caused, to the relatives of those girls.
During the trial, Paul said different versions of events, saying at first that if he had raped the victims, but that their deaths were accidental . However , in another statement he said it was actually Karla he had killed the girls, and had disposed of their bodies.
On September 1995, Paul Bernardo was sentenced to life imprisonment, and also the Canadian was declared as "dangerous rapist" , which in Canada is penalized give absolute denial of prison leave to such criminals like him.
Well, surely now you might be wondering, and what happened to Karla Homolka? , Well, I tell you ...
Karla received special treatment by the judge in the case , since he proposed that if he told the truth about what had made her husband, she would be sentenced more lightly , having collaborated with the authorities to clarify the facts, and therefore to facilitate judicial task. Indeed Karla confessed everything , and acknowledged the facts against him to her.
She was sentenced to 12 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of her sister Tammy. As you can guess, this did not make him any grace or the relatives of the victims, nor of course the other citizens residing in Canada.
However, despite the 12 - year sentence that was imposed him, Karla was in absolute freedom in 2005 , for good behavior in the women's prison in Ontario, where he spent 10 years of his life.
Always will be doubt , if you really Karla "just" sexually abused young, or actually her husband had a point, saying that she participated in the murders of completely crucial, so that they will reach consummating.
a question that can never be solved, among other things because it is already one hundred percent clean with the administration of justice in Canada, so it could never again be judged, if they ever found out someone else made, in which she had participated actively.
Really a story that is surprising, seeing as they were the two, which incidentally were known as the "Barbie and Ken" in Canadian version.
Paul Bernardo, might remind the serial murderer of the film "American Psycho " , and you can read his story by clicking here .
currently Karla Homolka has 3 children, she has formed a family and live somewhere in the Antilles , in the Caribbean, but in the deepest anonymity, as if to bury forever their execrable past.
A story but I hope you liked it .
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